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भारत सरकार
सूक्ष्म , लघु और मध्यम उद्यम मंत्रालय
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

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The Ministry of MSME is committed to training of youth to be employable. The training is imparted through the modality of apex organizations namely National Small Industries Corporation Ltd (NSIC) , National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (NI-MSME) , Central Tool Room (CTR) .

The Scheme envisages financial assistance for establishment of new institutions (EDIs), strengthening the infrastructure of the existing EDIs and for supporting entrepreneurship and skill development activities. The main objectives of the scheme are development of indigenous entrepreneurship from all walks of life for developing new micro and small enterprises, enlarging the entrepreneurial base and encouraging self-employment in rural as well as urban areas, by providing training to first generation entrepreneurs and assisting them in setting up of enterprises. The assistance shall be provided to these training institutions in the form of capital grant for creation/strengthening of infrastructure and programme support for conducting entrepreneurship development and skill development programmes.

Shri Narayan Tatu Rane
Hon'ble Minister
Sushri Sobha Karandlaje
Hon'ble Minister of State
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NSIC - National Small Industries Corporation NIMSME Central Tool Room (CTR)

NSIC, a Public Sector Enterprise under MSME, has a mission of promoting, aiding and fostering the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises in the country. NSIC operates through countrywide network of offices and Technical Centres . It offers a package of services for marketing support, credit support, technology support and other support services.

National Institute for MSMEs (NI-MSME), is a premier institution for the promotion, development and modernization of the SME sector. The Institute strives to achieve its avowed objectives through a gamut of operations ranging from training, consultancy, research and education, to extension and information services .

CTR Ludhiana is an Indo-German project setup under bilateral agreement on technical cooperation between Government of India & Government of Germany in 1980. It is working under administrative control of Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of India. Our core service areas are Tooling development, Rapid prototyping, Heat treatment and Training. We are ISO-9001:2008 certified organization.